This release adds support for the C128. A new hardware revision has been created to account for differences between the C64 and C128. The client software and library have now been ported to MacOSX. The 1541 drive commands have been removed. Some minor bugs were found and fixed in the USB adapter firmware and the server software. An update of the USB adapter firmware and server software is recommended for this release.

C128 support

A new commandline option --machine has been added to specify the target machine. Alternatively, the evironment variable XLINK_MACHINE may be set. Supported values are c64 or c128. All commands will work according to this setting. Please see the documentation for details.

Big thanks to Martin “Thom Braxton” Gendera for supplying me with a C128 for testing.

USB adapter revision 3

This revision adds a jumper that configures the adapter for use with either the C64 or the C128. For the C64, this jumper simply needs to be closed. Consult the documentation for configuring the adapter for the C128.

MacOSX port

The xlink client software and library has been ported to MacOSX. You can either build it from source yourself or install the binary tarball provided on the project page.

Big thanks to Volker Siebert supplying me with an iMac to do the porting on.

Removal of disk drive commands

The commands for accessing a 1541 disk drive connected to the C64 have been removed. These commands have never worked reliably or fast enough, and were implemented in a rather naive fashion, bloating the code and scope of the client software.

A proper tool for transferring disk images (including fast load/save routines, proper error handling and support for more than 35 tracks) may be created as a standalone tool in the future.


A bug in the server software has been fixed that prevented reading/writing from C64 memory areas below rom or io from working correctly. An update of your server.prg and/or kernal image is recommended.

A bug in the firmware has been fixed that would loosely drive the reset line high instead of properly tristating it. This should not be a problem in practice, so a firmware update is not strictly required.